Kendriya Vidyalaya Jagdalpur Chattisgarh

About Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jagdalpur, Chattisgarh:

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jagdalpur, Chatisgarh was established in the year 1989 in a temporary building located at Kumharpara, Jagdalpur. The Vidyalaya is under the control of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan. It having the classes from I to XII standard with 3 sections each from I to X and 2 sections in XI and XII. The Vidyalaya is a Civil sector school.

Here are some information:

(i) Date of Opening- 1989 
(ii) Highest Class -XII(Science and Commerce)
Number of Sections Sanctioned for each Class - 3 sections each from classes I to X and 4 each in classes XI and XII.
(iii) Sector - Civil
(iv) District - Jagdalpur
(v) State/ U.T - Chatisgarh

Important milestones of growth of the Vidyalaya:

Sl. NO.YearDetails
1.1989Vidyalaya was started in the year 1989 in a temporary building located at Kumharpara, Jagdalpur.
2.2004XII Class Started with the Science Stream from year 2003-04.
3.2006School was shifted to New permanent building in year 2006 sprawling over an area of 3.04 acres, Chaired by Sh.M.S Parasthe, District Collector.There are 34 class rooms, 04 labs, 02 computer labs and 09 other rooms.It is a Civil Sector Vidyalaya.
4.2007Commerce stream in Class XII was started in the year 2007-08.
Admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jagdalpur, Chattisgarh:

Eligible Age for Admission:

child must be 5 years old on 31st March in the academic year in which admission is being sought for admission to class I and for admission to class II the age must be 6 years. For class III age must be 7 years and for class IV age must be 8 years as on 31st March, 2011.  For remaining classes, the eligible age will be calculated as on 30th September of the Academic year.
An upper age limit for admission is fixed as the minimum age limit plus two years. No child would be eligible for admission in a class, if the age is more than the maximum age prescribed. The maximum age would be further relaxed by two years for handicapped children only. 
Here is the minimum and maximum age for admission in Kendriya Vidyalaya in various classes are given below:


MINIMUM AGE ON 31ST MARCH OF YEAR  IN WHICH ADMISSION  IS SOUGHT                                                               MAXIMUM AGE ON 31st
5 years
7 years
6 years
8 years
7 years
9 years
8 years
10 years
9 years
11 years
10 years
12 years
11 years
13 years
12 years
14 years
13 years
15 years
14 years
16 years

Method Of Admission:
In class I:
All applications received, shall be scrutinized and separated in following bunches:-
     i)   All general category candidates including disabled of the same category.
     ii)  All SC candidates including disabled.
     iii) All ST candidates including disabled.
   iv) All other candidates belonging to other disadvantaged group like economically weaker sections socially weaker sections including disabled.
Admission to 25% of seats
(a) All applications of (ii) above shall be taken for draw of lots and 6 candidates (15%) will be selected by draw of lots.
(b) All applications of (iii) above shall be taken for draw of lots and 3 candidates (7.5%) will be selected by draw of lots.
(c) For remaining 1 seat all applications of (iv) above as well as disabled children belonging to all categories will be taken for draw of lots.  Unsuccessful disabled children belonging to SC/ST  category will be included in this draw of lots.
Remaining 75% seats shall be filled up by KV's own system of admission based on priority.

Fee Structure for Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jagdalpur, Chattisgarh:

FEE STRUCTURE (PER MONTH) w.e.f. 01.10.2009
1.Admission FeeRs. 25.00
2.Re Admission FeeRs 100.00
3.Tutition Fee
3(a)Class IX & X (Boys)Rs 200.00
3(b)Class XI & XII Commerce & Humanities (Boys)Rs 300.00
3(c)Class XI & XII Science (Boys)Rs.400.00
4.Computer Fund
4(a)Class III onwards wherever Computer Education is being impartedRs 50.00
4(b)Computer Science Fee. (for elective subjects) + 2 stageRs 100.00
5Vidyalaya Vikas Nidhi
5(a)Class I - XRs 240.00
5(b)Class XI & XII (non-science)Rs 240.00
5(c)Class XI & XII (Science)Rs 300.00

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jagdalpur, Chattisgarh Last Result Analysis:

Kendriya Vidyalaya, Jagdallpur, Chatisgarh producing very good results every year in X and XII standard board exams. The Vidyalaya containing classes from I to XII and 3 sections each from I to X and 2 each in XI and XII(science and Commerce). 

                                                                      Contact Details:
                                                                  Kendriya Vidyalaya,
                                                                  Haatkachoura Jagdalpur Bastar
                                                                  Chattisgarh - 494001
                                                                  Phone No: 07782-227262

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