Q. With less than a month to go for my CBSE board exams, I am under too much stress to perform. What should I do?

 CBSE board exams are much like the exams that you have been taking. If you have prepared well, know your subjects well and trust yourself, there is no need to panic. Exercise, meditate and talk to your parents or someone who has been through the grind and whose sense of judgment you trust. Do not study for long hours if you are through with your syllabus. If you feel that there is pressure and you are unable to handle it and your self-esteem is coming down and you are unable to cope, then you may consult a psychiatrist to help you tide over this phase.

 How do I deal with my family's disappointment if my results are not good?

  Do not panic panic and do not get disheartened. Be open and honest with them. Talk what you feel about the result and why you think did things did not go as planned. Reassure them of your concern and efforts. They are your parents, and it is but natural that they worry about you. You just need to reassure them.

Q. What are the options available for me, in case I do not perform well in my CBSE exams?

Ans.   Getting good marks is a great thing, but it is definitely not the only thing in a student’s life. There are plenty of options available for you, in case you do not get good marks in your CBSE board exams. You can turn your hobby into your career, pursue a course in mass communication, join a course in animation and do umpteen other things related to your interest. For more details about what are the options available for you, in case you do not perform well in your CBSE exams, click here.

Q. What if I don't get the marks I'm expecting?

Ans. Concentrate on your achievements and be realistic about what you should expect. Usually, we know when we have made a mistake, so take these into account while drawing up expected marks. If you are still dissatisfied with the results, the option of rechecking is always open.

Q. If a student fails in the pre Board examination conducted by the school, can he/she be detained from appearing in Class X or XII Board’s exam? 

Ans. No, certainly not, if he/she is otherwise eligible.

Is it possible for a student who has failed in Science stream in Class XII to change subjects to pass at subsequent examinations?

Ans.Yes, but with prior permission of the Board. 

How much sleep is required?

Ans. The human body requires an average of 8 hours of sleep per day. But there is no hard and fast rule. Each one of us has to understand our body rhythm and know by trial and error how many hours of sleep keeps us fit.

Q. To keep awake for studying students drink lots of coffee. What is the harm?

Ans. Caffeine in small doses acts as a stimulant and keeps you awake, so a cup once a day may be Ok. Excessive coffee drinking gives side effects like tremors, fast pulse rate, irritability, acidity and stomach pain. Coffee also causes addiction.

 What is the procedure of appearing in additional subject?

Ans. An additional subject may be offered within 6 years of passing the examination of the Board provided the additional subject is prescribed in the Scheme of Studies. No exemption from time limit is given after six years. This facility is available at the annual examination only.

However, candidates appearing in six subjects at the Senior School Certificate (Class XII) Examination and beingdeclared pass by virtue of replacement of subject may appear in the failing subject at the Compartment Examination to be held in July/August the same year.

Q. Is the candidate allowed to see the answer script in case the result is not as per the expectations?

Ans. No. There is no provision of showing answer scripts. The candidate can apply for scrutiny, for reconfirmation of marks.

Q. If a candidate passes in the additional subject but fails in one of the main subjects, what will the result show?

Ans.The candidate will be considered as having passed the examination in such a case.  A language will replace a language only.  For further details the scheme of examinations and bye-laws can be referred to.

Q. What are HOT questions?

In the question paper, there will be higher order thinking questions of 15 to 20 marks.  The objective is to assess the students’ understanding, analytical ability and interpretation.

. How many sets of question papers are distributed in examination hall in Board’s examination?

Ans. The Board prepares three sets of questions papers in all the main subjects having equal difficulty level.

Q. What are the rules for condonation of attendance?

  • A candidate must have at least 75% attendance in the classes held : counted from the day of commending teaching of classes X/XII as the case may be up to the 1st of the month preceding the month in which the examination of the Board commences. Shortage up to 15% may be condoned by the Chairman.  Cases of candidates with attendance below 60% in class X/XII, as the case may be, shall be considered for condonation of shortage of attendance by the Chairman only in exceptional circumstances created on medical grounds such as serious diseases  like cancer, AIDS, T.B. or similar serious diseases requiring long period of hospitalization. For students participating in Sports at National level organized by recognized Federations/CBSE/SGFI the attendance required will be atleast 60%.
  • Death of a parent
  • Authorized participation in sponsored tournaments and Sports meet of at least inter school level and NCC/NSS camps.
  • Authorized participation in Sports at National level organized by recognized Federations/CBSE/SGFI.
Q. If a student decides to drop one year, what will be the syllabus applicable for the next examination, the old or the new?

Ans.The candidate will have to study the syllabus recommended for the year in which he/she plans to give the examination.

CBSE FAQs For Disabilities

Some of the commonly asked questions by students with disabilities of the CBSE are listed below:

. For which all disabilities does the CBSE grant concessions?

 The CBSE grants concession to Blind, Physically Handicapped, Dyslexics, Autistic and Spastic Candidates.

Q. Who can issue a valid medical certificate?

 A medical officer not below the rank of an Assistant Surgeon of a Government Hospital can issue a valid medical certificate.

Q. What are the concessions given by the Board for the examinations?

 The following concessions are provided by the Board for the examinations:
  • Exemption from studying third language up to middle school level (i.e. Class VIII);
  • Permission to use an amanuensis (s/he must be a student of a class lower than the candidate);
  • The Blind, Physically Handicapped or Spastic Candidates are being provided services of an amanuensis free of cost;
  • The amanuensis shall be paid remuneration as prescribed from time to time by the Board, which, at present is Rs.100/- per day;
  • The candidate is permitted to use the services of an amanuensis in all or any of the papers.  Services of same amanuensis is taken for all the papers.
  • The candidates are being permitted to draw the diagrams etc. themselves, if desired by them.
  • Additional time as under is given in each paper:
  • For paper of 3 hours duration     60 minutes
  • For paper of 2 hours duration 50 minutes
  • For paper of 2 hours duration     40 minutes
  • For paper of 1 hours duration  30 minutes
  • Alternative type questions are provided in lieu of questions having visual inputs for the blind candidates in English Communicative and Social Science for Class X and History, Geography and Economics for Class XII;
  • Separate question papers in enlarged print for Mathematics and Science & Technology in Class X are provided for candidates with partial impairment;
  • Blind candidates from Delhi have the facility to use computer or a typewriter for writing answers;
Q. How can one request for obtaining concessions?

 The request, along with the medical documents and concessions required has to be sent through the Head of the Institution in which the student is studying, duly recommended by the Head of the institution.

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